Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl is an upcoming British stop-motion animated film produced by the British studio Aardman Animations in partnership with Netflix. It serves as the fourth non-theatrical Wallace & Gromit film of the franchise. It premiered at the American Film Institute on October 27, 2024 and is set to be released theatrically on December 19, 2024 in Australia, broadcast live on BBC One and BBC iPlayer on December 25, 2024 in the United Kingdom, and will then become available on Netflix internationally on January 3, 2025.
Plot Summary[]
"Gromit's concern that Wallace is becoming too dependent on his inventions proves justified when Wallace invents a 'smart gnome' that seems to develop an evil mind of its own. When it emerges that a vengeful figure from the past might be masterminding things, it falls to Gromit to battle sinister forces and save his master, if he fails, Wallace may never be able to invent again!"
On 7th June 2024, it was announced that Feathers McGraw from The Wrong Trousers was going to return in the film as he will seek revenge on Wallace and Gromit for the way that the duo stopped him from robbing the museum. It was also announced that Peter Kay was going to return to play PC Albert Mackintosh - now promoted to chief inspector.
- Ben Whitehead as Wallace[1]
- Peter Kay as PC Albert Mackintosh
- Reece Shearsmith as Norbot
- Lauren Patel as PC Mukherjee[2]
- Diane Morgan as Onya Doorstep[3]
- Adjoa Andoh as TBA[4]
- Lenny Henry as TBA
- Gromit
- Feathers McGraw
- Mr. Caliche
- Mr. Leaching
- Mrs. Windfall
On the 20th of January 2022, Aardman Animations announced a new film based on Nick Park's Wallace and Gromit franchise would be streaming on Netflix, except for in the United Kingdom where it will first air on BBC One on December 25, 2024. It will star Ben Whitehead and will be directed by Park and co-directed by Merlin Crossingham.
In 2024, its new title Vengeance Most Fowl was announced.
- This will be the first film to not feature Peter Sallis, Wallace's original voice actor, as he passed away on June 2nd, 2017. Wallace will instead be voiced by Ben Whitehead, who previously voiced him in three video games, commercials and other projects like Wallace & Gromit's Musical Marvels.
- This will be the first streaming film in the franchise.
- This will be the first film to not to have music composed by Julian Nott. However, multiple composers including Lorne Balfe did additional composition for the feature film.
- Wallace and Gromit will be the third Aardman film to become a franchise, after Shaun the Sheep and Chicken Run.
- ↑ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc7rnImKKz4/
- ↑ https://deadline.com/2024/10/wallace-and-gromit-vengeance-most-fowl-makers-emotional-comeback-1236114116/
- ↑ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-reviews/wallace-and-gromit-vengeance-most-fowl-review-netflix-aardman-1236042701/
- ↑ https://variety.com/2024/film/global/wallace-and-gromit-new-film-premiere-date-title-feathers-mcgraw-teaser-1236026928/